The Horn of Plenty
Framed pastel painting under glass, 16 x 20in. $300.00 CAD
The Wilson Farm
Framed oil painting, in a private collection. The scene is on Fletcher Road, near Smiths Falls, Ontario.
The Reading Angel
Framed coloured pencil painting, 8 x 12 in. Artist’s collection.
Apple Blossoms
12 x 16 in framed oil painting. Private collection. The scene is an apple orchard in Burnstown, Ontario.
Teapot with Orchids
Framed oil painting, 12 x 16 in. Private collection. Honourable mention in Ottawa Orchid Society exhibition.
Canoeing with Friends
16 x 20 in framed oil painting. Private collection.
Purple Irises
10 x 12 framed oil painting. Private collection. The scene is a magnificent bed of purple irises in Ottawa, Ontario.
Northern Pike
11 x 14 in framed oil painting. $300.00 CAD. This was an experiment, painting a really interesting subject.
11 x 14 in framed oil painting. $260.00 CAD. The scene is some really large koi in a pond in San Juan Capistrano, CA.
The Moon is Veiled
10 x 12 in framed pastel, under glass. $150.00 CAD. I am fascinated with the moon veiled in clouds, and enjoy painting this subject in every medium.
Women with Orchids
2 1/2 x 6 in gouache painting, framed under glass. $75.00 CAD. This was painted as a tribute to a favourite artist, Gustave Klimt, and featured in an Ottawa Orchid Show gallery.
Les Jardins Botanique
This is a watercolour based on a photo reference from a visit to Les Jardins Botanique in Montreal, QC. Private collection.
Still Life with a Brass Horse
This is a large oil on canvas, framed, 22 x 24 in., $400 CAD. It is an interesting study of texture; fabric, pottery, fruit, glass, flowers and the brass horse.
Heart of a Tulip
This is a small image, 6 3/4 x 10 in, within a large white mat, coloured pencil, with a small inset, $200 CAD. It was inspired by a Quebec coloured pencil artist, whp uses similarly interesting small images in interesting layouts. The heart of the tulip lies below the main image.
Eilean Donan Castle
I visited this castle in 1997, and stood on the famous causeway from the mainland to take my photo reference. This painting is in gouache and pastel, an iconic Scottish castle famous the world over. Private collection.
I took part in the Ottawa Orchid Show in Ottawa for a few years as an exhibiting artist. This watercolour was based on my photo of a display of amazing orchids, 8 x 10 in., matted, framed and under glass, $285 CAD.
Garden Arch
I visited Broughton Castle in England in 1996, and strolled around the magnificent gardens which surround it, and this painting is based on one of my reference photos. Private collection.
Red Tulips
I participated in the Ottawa Tulip Festival for a number of years, and painted these red tulips from my own reference photo for one of their exhibits. It is in pastel, 8 x 12 in., matted, framed and under glass, $215 CAD.
The Beaver Pond
I visited Murphy’s Point Provincial Par, near Perth, Ontario and took photos of the beaver pond during a very dry summer, when the water level was exceptionally low. This coloured pencil painting was based on my photo reference, 12 x 15 in., matted, framed and under glass, $300 CAD. I also have some prints available; inquire if you are interested!
The Lady
I took a course in Medieval Art at Carleton University, Ottawa, and was intrigued by the statues and artistry of Chartres Cathedral in France. This pencil portrait of one of the damaged, yet beautiful statues, is based on an art photo, 12 x 15 in., matted, framed and under glass, $300 CAD.
I find wild flowers and plants to be very interesting and beautiful, and discovered that milkweed is the favourite food of monarch butterflies. This painting is based on my reference photo, pastel, 16 x 20, matted and framed under glass, $300 CAD.
This small coloured pencil painting is a study for a larger oil painting, which I have since sold. The study is based on my own reference photo of the night sky, moon darting among the clouds. 8 by 10 in., matted and framed under glass, Private Collection.
Such Poppies!
I think poppies are such interesting blooms, so ethereal, lasting for only a few days, yet hardy enough to grow anywhere. This is a watercolour based on my own reference photo, 10 x 12 1/2 in., matted and framed under glass, $250 CAD.
The Smiling Boy
This was an interesting portrait to paint, based on a magazine photo, to study skin tones and structure. It is a pastel, 8 x 10 in., matted under glass and framed, $110 CAD.
A Tangle of Tulips
I was visiting a friend’s garden one springtime, and took the reference photo of tulips with lots of undergrowth,yet still pushing skyward. The painting is in coloured pencil, 12 x 12 in., matted and framed under glass, $275 CAD.
Waiting for Winter, Calabogie
The photo reference was taken on a cold autumn day, so that it hurt my hands to take off my mitts to take the reference photo. The location is Constant Creek, flowing into Lagree Bay and Calabogie Lake. The painting is in oil, 18 x 24, framed, $450 CAD.
English Setter
This is an oil painting of an English Setter, a hunting dog, painted on canvas. Oil is a popular choice for portraits.
German Shepherd
This is a watercolour painting of the ever popular German Shepherd breed. It is gentle medium, yet capable of fine detail.
Irish Setter
This is a pencil portrait of an Irish Setter, a long haired breed of dog. I think pencil is under-valued as a medium, as it is capable of great sensitivity in portraits.
German Shepherd
This is a pencil portrait of a German Shepherd, in profile, 8 x 8 1/4 in., matted and framed under glass, $200 CAD.
Shih Tzu
The portrait of the Shih Tzu is in coloured pencil, which I love using for fine detail but a soft effect.
Cocker Spaniels
I painted this dual portrait of tan and black cocker spaniels, to showcase the use of gouache, which is an opaque watercolour akin to acrylic.
The Bobcat
A large pastel, this painting, based on a wildlife catalogue photo, is of that most elusive of wild animals, the bobcat. The painting is matted, framed and under glass, 18 x 24 in., $650 CAD.